Monday, June 8, 2009

Twilight... It's time!

I love Twilight. There, I said it. I don't care if you judge me and think I'm a 14 year old. I love Twilight. I love Edward. I love Bella. I love Jacob. Heck... I even love Charlie!

That being said, I'm not sure what team I'm on yet. If you had asked me what team I was on after reading Twilight I would definitely have said Team Edward. Then I read New Moon and I thought I was Team Jacob. Now I'm eading Eclipse and I have NO CLUE what team I'm on.

(If you are still reading this and don't read the Twilight books you probably think I'm a total loser... anyhow, I'm not.)

So the books and great! I cannot put them down. I have even skipped a few lunches to read for the full hour I'm allowed to be out. :) Point of this post... If you haven't read the series you definitely should. It's not a hard read and you will not be able to put them down! Here's a little eye candy of Robert Pattinsion (Edward) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob)!


  1. Hi Jori,
    I came across your blog via Leah's. (Mostly because I saw the title of your latest post and since I recently finished the Twilight series, I'm always interested in what others have to say!)

    I'm glad you are enjoying the books. I must say that my only regret in reading them is the large amount of things on my daily "to-do" lists that didn't get done!

    Nice to find your blog. I love blogs, so if you don't mind, I think I'll be your sixth follower. :)

  2. Jo Jo Budinski! I found you! I'm way pumped to get to keep up with you and Woody on need to post about your most recent exciting news!
