Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We're Back!

Ok so we took a couple of months off from blogger but it was for good reason! We have FINALLY finished our backyard! We have been working quite diligently on the house and it is really coming together.

Woody started his new job and is really liking the new hours. I'm not sure that he is sold on the actual job but for now it works! He is working street level type crimes, as well as being on the SWAT team and enjoys what he does!

I finally am through my 3rd March for Babies and I can't believe I've already been at the March of Dimes this long. I still love my job and enjoy coming to work everyday!

Last but definitely not least, I am FINALLY getting my undergrad degree in December! After 8 years of college I am FINISHING!! Woo Hoo!

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