Tuesday, January 20, 2009

1,095 days together!

Can you believe it? It seems like 10 years but to my surprise Woody and I are only celebrating our 3-year anniversary tomorrow! As most people know this is HUGE for us! Things have been going very well and our new home is becoming the biggest project of our lives thus far! It seems like there is so much that can be done and it's impossible to figure out where to start. We are having a lot of fun doing it together though! Woody has planned a surprise for this weekend and I'm very excited that we will be spending time together alone... I'm not sure what we are doing and that makes me a little nervous but I have faith that Woody has planned something fun and I know I will love whatever it might be!

On another note... we have like zero followers. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong? Kerri is our only follower. Seems sad. Come on people... be our friend!! :)

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